Our interdisciplinary research group is a non-formal association of researches working to improve the scientific background of handwriting analysis. The group includes handwriting experts, graphologists, psychologists, physicians, forensic scientists, computer specialists, and mathematicians. We have been working on several research projects dealing with different aspects of the validation of handwriting analysis and it’s application in practice.
Next to investigating the science of handwriting analysis with our major aims are as follows:
- Explore and verify the backgrounds of handwriting analysis.
- Consider the changes of social developments and life conditions and adapt handwriting analysis accordingly.
- Build interfaces to related methods in the field of personality analysis, forensic and medicine to achieve more reliable results.
- Reconstruct the negative image of handwriting psychology in order to restore confidence and increase both scientist and general public awareness.
Methods and instruments that support our work
Computer-aided software for handwriting analysis HSDetect
Handwriting registration tools – digitizers (graphics tablets) CSWin & MovAlyseR
Expert panel techniques and ring trials
HSD database with evaluated handwriting samples
Statistical packages HSStat, Past3, PSPP